My current a.m lineup

Processed with VSCO with ss1 preset

From left to right:

  • The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Light Cleansing Oil,
  • Tatcha Classic Rice Polish Foaming Enzyme Powder,
  • Youth to the People Superfood Face Wash,
  • DIY Rice Water Toner,
  • DIY Green Tea, Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel Facial Mist.

I am currently loving this lineup in the morning (note: I don’t use the Rice Powder every morning but this morning, I did so that’s why I included it in this photo).

The Superfood cleanser is what I look forward to when I’m about to start my morning routine. It is so invigorating and my skin feels instantly awake, alive, and very refreshed afterward.

The Cleansing oil smells floral and fresh and doesn’t break me out! I’ve only just recently bought it and I’m already worrying when I’ll run out. Though to be transparent, I worry about everything, if given the chance.

I’ll be posting the DIY Rice Water toner and facial mist soon but I’ve been testing them out right now to see how my skin reacts. I thought I’d break out since there’s no tea tree oil in either but so far, my face is clear, the oil production from my t-zone is unchanged (that’s a win), and the most important, my skin is plump and well hydrated!

My p.m routine is different and I’ll post a photo of that lineup soon but I’m still testing random products out and I don’t want to conclusively post anything yet.

Anyway, here’s my morning skincare routine that I’m loving right now!


What about you guys? What’s your morning skincare routine like? Do you recommend any products? What are you currently loving right now?

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