Mask of the Week: Skin 19+ Skin Therapy Relaxing Sheet Mask


Hey there, welcome back to another week of masking!

So, I have yet another confession to make. I didn’t wash my face last night. Cue gasping and yelling. I know, I know. I was exhausted and feeling queasy so I just went to bed. This morning, thankfully I didn’t have any breakouts but my skin was drier than the Sahara and rougher than sandpaper. Okay, I’m being a little hyperbolic but you get my point. 

My skin needed therapy and quickly. Plus, I couldn’t seem to get out of bed this morning. Do you ever have mornings where your limbs are heavier than cement and you could sleep the whole day away (if given the chance)? That was me this morning. 

This mask helped my skin tremendously and woke me up! Who needs coffee when they have sheet masks? 

Continue reading “Mask of the Week: Skin 19+ Skin Therapy Relaxing Sheet Mask”

Mask of the Week: A’PIEU Coffee Milk Sheet Mask



I’ve been getting up earlier and earlier every day. I can’t help but wonder, at what point is it super early or super late?

On top of my exhaustion, I’ve been dehydrated and my skin is showing its effects. On top of that, I over-exfoliated last night and my skin is ready to ditch me for Disneyworld. 

So I’ve decided to treat my skin to a super luxurious, super expensive sheet mask! Bring on the coffee! 

Continue reading “Mask of the Week: A’PIEU Coffee Milk Sheet Mask”