Mini Perfume Sample Haul

For the better part of last month, I spent days and days obsessing about perfume. I read reviews, I joined forums, I scoured online for everything and anything on perfumes. Why? I’ve always loved the idea of perfume and honestly, smells are a pretty big deal for me. I know some people say the first thing they’re attracted to is teeth or hair, but for me, it smells. (What about you, reader?)

After compiling an obscenely long list of perfumes I’d like to try, I stumbled across a few websites where you can buy samples from them. Because let’s face it, going to the mall to perfume counters with pushy sales associates isn’t really how I like to spend my time. And I don’t even want to imagine their face if I handed over my list to them.  After buying a few dollars worth (I say ‘few’ sarcastically), I got my first order in the mail.  Continue reading “Mini Perfume Sample Haul”