Good morning.

I’ve been feeling really down and shitty lately (I mean, depressed, extremely sad, alternating between catatonic and crying, eating or not eating and insomnia). My job is the reason and I know I should just quit because I don’t want to become sick again. I’m close to relapsing, I’m aware of it. This job is slowly poisoning me but I hate the idea of quitting. Plus, I don’t know my limit and tend to push myself until I snap. So there’s that too.

My dad is worried (I’ve downplayed this to everyone else in my life) and I’ve made an appointment with my therapist next week. But I work the next five days and I’m freaked out, wondering if I can emotionally handle it. But I will. Since my dad is so worried, he dragged me out of the house (figuratively) and we went to a cafe for cappuccinos.

I feel a little better. But that’s going to have to be enough for now.

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