Resting is not defeat.

I’ve been diligently working on my poetry, sending out manuscripts and honestly, I’m trying to hold onto hope but I feel incredibly discouraged…not just about my poetry but with my life too.

This past week, hours and hours every day, I was bent over my computer, reading, writing, editing and my brain is fried at this point. So today, I’m resting.

It’s weird and I feel like I’m wasting the day when I should be doing something productive. I’m also boooooorreed but who wants to go outside in this weather (the sun, the heat, so many bugs…am I a vampire?!).

I read someone’s post on Instagram stating self-care is selfish. I had a knee-jerk reaction and instantly wanted to reply with paragraphs arguing it’s not. But it is true. Self-care is selfish.

However, I think selfish is a word that is rife with negative connotations and even now, I still disagree with self-care being selfish. Self-care is self-preservation.

We push ourselves harder and farther than we sometimes should and if we don’t take care of ourselves, no one else will.

Self-care is self-love. It’s about looking after ourselves and putting our mental and physical well-being first. Just because it looks different than other activities, it’s seen as laziness, selfishness, opulence and being high-maintenance. All of which are bullshit.

Today, I’m looking after myself and my mental well-being. I’m taking the day to rest, write stories, watch horror movies and yes, junk food will be eaten. Resting is not giving up, or admitting defeat.

I need to rest and so does my brain but am I giving up on my poetry? Hell. No. I have plans but for today, junk food, stories and movies are calling my name.

I’m not selfish or defeated. I’m resting.

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